العودة   أكاديمية التدريب الاحترافي > أكاديمية التدريب الاحترافي للتسويق والإعلانات للبرامج والمراكز التدريبية > أكاديمية الإعلان للبرامج التدريبية للمراكز والمعاهد التدريبية

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 05-30-2017, 01:37 PM
دورات الخليج غير متواجد حالياً
دورات الخليج

افتراضي Maintenance of productive oil wells 2017

يعلن مركز الخليج للتدريب | TrainingGulf | عن بدء التسجيل و ترشيح الموظفين لعام 2017

|دورات الهندسة الكيميائية وتكرير النفط والغاز | Chemical engineering and refining of oil and gas|

يشرفنا الإتصال او إرسال إستفسارتكم عبر البريد الإلكترونى :

منسقة التدريب | ندي حجازي

جوال | 00971588072416 (whatsapp & viber)
جوال | 00201028818883 (whatsapp & viber)
البريد الإلكتروني | n.ibrahem@traininggulf.com

المنتدي | Training-gulf
بلوجر | Training-gulf

للإطلاع يرجي الضغط على الرابط
| دورات تدريبية احترافية فى جميع المجالات | Training Gulf courses |

تنفذ الدورات
...... ( الوزارات / الهيئات / الشركات الحكومية والخاصة )
( دورات تدريبية / ورش عمل / 5 أيام / 10أيام/ شهر/ 3 أِشهر/ 6 شهور ....تدريب نظري وعملي) وذلك حسب طبيعة الدورة ورغبة
العميل ومايناسب طبيعة العمل

عناوين الدورات

Environment in Desalination & Power Plant
Advanced Drilling Technology
Methods to design and construct the oil pipelines and test the pumps and valves
Corrosion Control and Material Selection in Oil and Gas Industries
Demineralized Water Treatment Plant Operation
Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry
Storage, transportation and distribution methods of petroleum products
Maintenance of productive oil wells
Gas and Liquid Chromatography and Troubleshooting Training
Chemical Engineering for Non-Chemical Engineers
Heat Exchangers Design
"Methods to design and construct the oil pipelines and safety systems in
oil processing operations"
Applied Coring and Well Logging for Enhanced Reservoir Characterization
"Practical Pump Technology: Selection, Applications, Operation,
Troubleshooting "
Gas Flow Measurement
Process Control in Cement Industry
"Recent Trend in Furnaces, Heat Exchanger & Coolers in
Petrochemical Plants"
Fuel Tanks Charging & Measering
Energy Optimisation of Oil Refineries
Applied Water Technology in Oil and Gas Production
Gas Processing
Oil production units operation technology
Common Refinery & Oil Field Pumps
Operation and Maintenance of Rotating Furnaces in Cement Factories
Machinery Foundation & Grouting
Cathodic Protection System in Oil and Gas Exploration Industry Training
"Competency Development for Supervisory Excellence in the Oil, Gas &
Petrochemicals Industry"
Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals for Non-Technical Personnel
Process Engineering for non-process Engineering Professionals
Thermal Power Plant Technology for Non Operators
Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry
Quality Assurance & Cement Testing
Selection of Drilling, Completion & Workover Fluids
"Process Equipment & Piping Systems: Application, Design, Operation,
Failure Prevention & Repairs"
Transportation Engineering And Planning in Oil Sector
Flares and Relief System
Crude Oil Processing
Plant Fuel Supply System Operation
"Methods to design and construct the oil pipelines and test the pumps
and valves"
Hydrotreating & Hydrocracking Process Technology
Saline Water Desalination Processes
Operation technology of oil production units
Optimization & Calibration procedures in Oil Production
Effective Maintenance Planning Techniques in Refineries
Thermal Desalination Technology
Petroleum Refinery Processes & Equipment
Oil & Gas Operational Safety
Product Water Treatment Plant Operation
"Inspection, Evaluation and Repair of Process Plant Equipment and
Connected Piping"
Hydrocarbon Production Operations
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry
"Mechanical Integrity & Reliability in Refineries,, Petrochemical &
Process Plants"
Oil Movement, Storage and Troubleshooting
"Operation, Diagnostics and Maintenance of Equipment for Oil &
Gas Production"
Oil fires - prevention measures and control techniques
Production & Operating Techniques
Pipelines Design
Amine Gas Sweetening & Sulphur Recovery
Chemical & Petrochemical Processes Techniques
Raw Materials for Cement Industry
Corrosion Control by Cathodic Protection
Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals
Metal Corrosion in the chemical and petroleum industries
International Oil Supply, Transportation, Refining and Trade
Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems
Fundamentals of Process Technology
Cement tests to lab technicians
Production In Oil & Gas Industry
Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals
Process Control Techniques
"Understanding the Codes: ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
and B31 Pressure Piping Codes"
Safety and fire protection on offshore oil platforms
X-Ray Spectrometry & Programming
Crude Oil Testing & Equipment
Modern methods of oil exploration and production
Vibration Monitoring, Analysis, Alignment & Balancing
Process Plant Start up Commissioning & Troubleshooting
Generator Hydrogen Seal Oil System
Process Plant Start-up and Commissioning
Production Planning & Scheduling Petroleum Refineries

لمعرفة المحتوي العلمي والتكلفة والمواعيد يرجى الإتصال او إرسال إستفسارتكم عبر البريد الإلكترونى والبيانات التالية :

Training Coordinator Miss | NadaHegazy
UAE- 00971588072416
EGY- 00201028818883
Blogger: Training-gulf

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