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قديم 06-14-2021, 10:01 PM
الفهد الثائر غير متواجد حالياً
الفهد الثائر

افتراضي Professor Rushwan, was arrested in Oman

We reproach the Canadian government for its failure to provide the rights approved by the United Nations Charter for Human Rights to a segment of its citizens only because they used the right to choose a religion from the same charter to be Muslims.

To whom it may concern, on Wednesday morning the 26th of May 2021
Prof. Hamed A. Mohamed Rushwan, was arrested in Oman.

Urgent after the Prof. Rushwan Hamed was attended in Oman they changed his name to(Mohammed Hamed) also they changed his nationality to Egyptian and denied being in Oman jails.

Who is Professor Rushwan?

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