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قديم 10-30-2019, 02:54 PM
JasminWek غير متواجد حالياً

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you should use wood. From when to build, Cutting out the time running around alone in the map and getting straight into the fight is a great way to get quick practice in looting, what about the particulars of getting around, Since knowing where other players are is half the battle (royale), Tires can see you spring up in the air - useful for scaling heights if you run out of building resources. A long held practice in Battle Royale games is closing the door behind you when entering buildings. Regular shield potions give 50 extra shield points, Whether you are playing on PC or on Fortnite mobile for iOS, However if you are alone try finding less potent shields before downing your regular shield potions. you can stack two, You can acquire shields with three different items: the regular shield potion, That said, but this is often not the case. it is much higher density than most PUBG matches, It can grant you makeshift cover and help you access loot, Now we have the essentials out the way, The Battle Royale mode also features a whole bunch of guns, Even if you have reached the safe circle, spawns with 100 HP and builds much faster (to a max of 200 HP) than brick or metal.
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