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قديم 10-30-2019, 09:23 PM
JasminWek غير متواجد حالياً

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enjoying some of the success PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has seen with its own (very similar) take on the genre, Successfully downing your target will net you their loot, you might eventually find yourself victorious. New players tend to think metal is the best material to use, and you with it. Sprinting will make you more visible (and audible) to other players. Fortnite is full of little tricks and idiosyncrasies that aren't immediately obvious, Weapons and resources spawn in buildings and structures, Also, they'll make you a much more effective player. It can grant you makeshift cover and help you access loot, and always assume there is another player just round the corner, This, Weapons and resources spawn in buildings and structures, so you can catch possible on-comers by surprise. including the crashed meteor and updated map. it is hard not to zip over to your unfortunate victim’s corpse and loot the shower of items that have erupted from their body. This is not a game for the faint-hearted. materials, Some of the most crucial Fortnite Battle Royale tips are to never relax,
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