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قديم 06-12-2016, 01:00 PM
engy elkady غير متواجد حالياً
engy elkady

افتراضي # دورات البترول training courses in dubai

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

نتشرف نحن معهد المحترفون العالميون بتقديم احدث الدورات فى مختلف المجالات لعام 2016

# training courses in dubai
دورات البترول
Advanced Process Plant Operations, Troubleshooting and Special Problems

Upon completion of this course, participant will be to gain:
o To operate an oil refinery with safety as the prime consideration.
o To operate oil treatment station with safety as the prime consideration.
o To operate a gas plant with safety as the prime consideration.
o To monitor instrumentation and the operation of equipment.
o To detect potential and actual problems and take corrective action to prevent the interruption of system operations.
o To analyze operational trends and take corrective actions.
o To use standard operating procedures to start/stop production equipment.
1. petroleum refining engineers ,
2. Petroleum production and drilling engineers ,
3. Gas production and gas processing engineers
4. Inspection or metallurgical engineers
5. Chemist who interest in oil and gas industry ,
6. Mechanical engineers.
7. Operators in oil and gas industry ( refining, gas processing, oil treatment , oil production
8. Operators in petrochemicals and fertilizers refining, gas processing, oil treatment , oil production
9. Supervisors in oil and gas industry refining, gas processing, oil treatment , oil production
10.Supervisors oil and gas industry refining, gas processing, oil treatment , oil production

Course contents
1. Introduction to Petroleum Refining
2. Introduction to oil treatment
3. Introduction to gas plant operation
4. Industrial Valves and Compressed Air
5. How to read Process Drawings
6. Basic Process Instrumentation and Control
7. Pump, Fundamentals
8. Compressors
9. Heat Exchangers
10. Basic Safety
11. Process plant startup / shutdown
12. Troubleshooting
Course Duration: 5 Days
(تعقد الدورات في الدول الاتية)

الكويت - ماليزيا - تركيا - المملكة العربية السعودية - دبى - مصر -القاهرة - اسكندرية – شرم الشيخ- المغرب - نيويورك – لندن- إندونيسيا-النمسا -فيينا - اليونان- الاردن –عمان – قطر– فرنسا – باريس – البحرين

يمكنكم التواصل ومعرفة جميع المعلومات عن الدورات

. انجي القاضي
Engy elkady
Training coordinator
Mobile, whatsApp,Viber : 00201149844436

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