دورة معالجه المياه وتقييم المواد الكيمياويه المضافه لها مركز itcc

يهديكم المركز الدولي للتدريب والاستشارات ارقي تحياتة ويدعوكم للتسجيل في احدي دوراتة التدريبية
كما يسعدنا ويشرفنا ان نقدم لسيادتكم دورة :
معالجه المياه وتقييم المواد الكيمياويه المضافه لها
الهدف من البرنامج
· تهدف هذه الدورة التدريبيه الى رفع الخبرات وتنميه المهارات لدى العاملين فى التعرف على عمليات معالجه مياه الصرف الصناعى والتعرف على احدث الطرق والتكنولوجيا المستخدمه فى هذا المجال
· كم تهدف ايضا الى التعرف المواد الكيميائيه المستخدمه فى عمليات المعالجه
· التعرف على عمليات المعالجه للمواد الطينيه والطرق الحديثه لذلك
· الاسس والاعتبارات فى تصميم وحدات عمليات معالجه مياه الصرف الصناعى
للتسجيل والاستفسار ومعرفة المحتوي العلمي يرجي التواصل:
الأستاذ /محمد عادل
موبايل – فاييبر – واتس اب / 00201220160372
البريد الالكتروني / m.adel@itcegy.com
دورات البترول
- 0Piping and Pipelines network design
- Advanced Corrosion Management
- Advanced Gas liquid separation
- advanced Heat Transfer Equipment Operation, Startup and Commissioning
- Advanced LPG Technology
- Advanced LPG, NGL and LNG Technology
- Advanced Natural Gas Processing, Start up, Shutdown, Troubleshooting and Special Problems
- advanced oil refinery technology for Technicians
- Advanced Oil Treatment technology
- Advanced Paraffin and Asphaltenes In Crude Oils
- Advanced Process Plant Operations, Troubleshooting and Special Problems
- Basic of Petrochemicals Industry
- Basics of Crude Oil Separation, Desalting and Stabilization
- Basics of Fertilizers Industry
- Basics of Natural Gas Processing
- Boiler Feed Water Treatment, Steam Generation and Distribution Systems
- Catalyst in oil and gas industry
- Catalyst in Refinery industry
- catalytic reforming technology Training Outlines
- Chemical laboratory in Petroleum Industry
- chemical treatment for oil and gas field
- choice and evaluation chemical treatment for oil and gas field (2)
- choice and evaluation chemical treatment for oil and gas field
- Computer Aided Process Engineering and Simulation
- Continuous catalyst regeneration (CCR)
- Cooling water and Fire water Protection Systems
- Corrosion & Corrosion Control Fundamentals in Oil & Gas Field
- Crude Oil & Petroleum Products Analysis & Quality Control
- Crude Oil Classification, Assays, Products Specification and Testing
- Crude oil dehydration and desalting (1)
- Crude oil properties and oil treatment course
- Crude Oil Testing & Equipment
- DCS Simulator for Process Panel Operators
- Desalination (RO, MSF Units, Vapor Compression)
- Distillation operation%2ccontrol%2ctroupleshooting
- Distillation operation,control,troupleshooting
- Emergency and Process Shut-down (ESD and PSD)
- Fire Protection Systems
- fired heater operation and troupleshooting
- fired heater
- Flare System, Operations and Design
- Fundamental of catalyst in oil & gas Industry
- Fundamentals of Corrosion & Corrosion Control
- Fundamentals of Equipment in Oil & Gas Industry
- Fundamentals of Ethylene & Propylene, Polypropylene and Polyethylene Industry
- Fundamentals of Heat Transfer Equipment Operation, Startup and Commissioning
- Fundamentals of Process equipments
- Fundaments of Chemical Engineering
- Gas Dehydration Technology, Hydrocarbon Dew Point Control Technology
- gas dehydration technology
- Gas Dryer Operation, Design, Regeneration, Logic and Troubleshooting
- Gas Field Refrigeration Systems
- gas liquid separation
- Gas Plant (Troubleshooting & Special Problems
- Gas Processing %28Dehydration & Sweetening%29
- Gasoline blending (refinery specific practices)
- GTL Technology
- Hazards Area Classification, Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
- HAZID, HAZAN and HAZOP Studies
- HAZOP application in oil and gas level 1
- HAZOP Practical Study Level 1,2
- Heat exchangers operation, design and maintenance
- Heat Transfer Equipment Operation and Troubleshooting
- Hydrocarbon losses management
- hydrocarbon losses
- hydrocarbon storage ,transportation
- Hydrocarbons Pipelines Design and Operation (Crude Oil, Petroleum Products, Natural gas)
- hydrocarnons losses
- hydrocracking process
- Hydrogen Plant Unit (HPU & PSA)
- hydrotreating technology Training Outlines
- Incinerators
- Instruments and Plant Utility Air Systems, Nitrogen Generation, and Fuel Gas Utility Systems
- Introduction to oil refining
- LPG technology
- MEROX process & technology
- Natural Gas Processing Technology
- Oil & Gas Pipelines hydraulics and Sizing Calculations
- Oil & Gas Processing Simulation and Calculation
- Oil & Gas Storage, Shipping and Utilization
- Oil and Gas industry Waste Disposal
- Oil Refinery LP Modelling and Economics
- Oil Refinery Product Treatment
- Oil Refinery Product Treatment
- OJT Distillation operation,control,troupleshooting
- OJT in Crude Oil & Product Storage and Transportation Unit
- OJT in Refinery Utilities Unit
- OJT on catalytic reforming technology Training Outlines
- Overview of Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals
- Petroleum Crude and Products Storage Systems
- petroleum oil and gases wastes and disposal
- Petroleum Products & Refining Processes for Operation
- petroleum refinery for technical persons
- petroleum refinery wastes and disposal
- Piping and Pipelines network design (2)
- Piping and Pipelines network design
- Planned Shutdown and Critical Activities, Isolation, Startup & Commissioning
- Planned shutdown management Outlines
- Positive displacement pump technology
- Pressure Relief Systems and Flare systems, Operation, Design, Startup, Troubleshooting and Shutdown
- Process Calculations & Simulation by HYSIS
- Process calculations basic
- Process equipments (selection, sizing, operation and troubleshooting)
- Process Flares and recovery system
- Process hand Calculations
- Process Operations (for Technicians)
- Process Panel Operator Assessment (Software)
- Process plant design
- Process Plant Operations, Troubleshooting and Special Problems
- Process Plant start up, shutdown and Troubleshooting & Engineering Problem Solving
- process plant troubleshooting
- pumps. technology and pumping system
- pumps. technology process overview
- pumps. Technology
- Refinery-Petrochemical Integration & Economics (Repaired)
- Refinery-Petrochemical Integration & Economics
- steam traps and pipelines
- Sulphur Recovery and Solidification
- Surface Facilities Production Operations
- Understanding and Interpreting Technical Drawings (P&ID, PFD and UFD) and Documentation
- Utilities and Environment protection in Refineries
- Utilities in Process Plants
- Waste Water Treatment Systems
- Water Analysis and Quality Control
- Water Injection and Effluent Waste Water Treatment Facilities
- اساسيات عمليات تكرير البترول
- الاتجاهات الحديثه فى صناعات تكرير البترول
- التحاليل الكيماويه في صناعه البترول ومراقبه جوده المنتجات البتروليه
- التطفئة الإعتيادية و الاضطرارية و اعادة التشغيل
- السلامة و الصحة المهنية في المنشآت الصناعية
- دراسه مخطط تظفئه وتشغيل الوحدات الانتاجيه والانشطه الحرجه فى صناعه البترول
- معالجه المياه وتقييم المواد الكيمياويه المضافه لها
- نقل وتخزين المنتجات البتروليه
تعقد الدورات في الدول الاتية:
(دبي- تركيا- ماليزيا - مصر (القاهرة - الاسكندرية - شرم الشيخ) - فيينا – الاردن
- المغرب - لندن - قطر- النمسا- مدريد - باريس- تونس - لبنان - جاكرتا - السعودية (الرياض - جدة - الدمام - الخبر) - نيويورك - واشنطن - سويسرا)
ويمكننا عقد الدورات حسب التاريخ والدولة المناسبة لسيادتكم ايضا
للاستفسار عن المحتوى العلمي والتسجيل يسعدنا تواصلكم معنا
محمد عادل
Mohamed Adel
Training Supervisor
Int'l Training & Consultation Center
ولكم مني جزيل الشكر والتقدير,,,