العودة   أكاديمية التدريب الاحترافي > أكاديمية التدريب الاحترافي للتسويق والإعلانات للبرامج والمراكز التدريبية > أكاديمية الإعلان للبرامج التدريبية للمراكز والمعاهد التدريبية

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 06-15-2016, 02:31 PM
خولة عكام غير متواجد حالياً
خولة عكام

0205 Oil & Gas Operational Safety

Oil & gas courses

The International Training &Consultation Center (ITCC) is pleased to invite you to registered the Training programs available in 2016 in the following

((( We offer this courses with global accreditation )))

Please sent your inquiry to the following contacts

Khawla Akkam
Mob: 00201025054242
E-Mail: khawla@itcegy.com


Oil & gas courses

Budgeting and Cost Control for the Oil & Gas Industry

Finance and Accounting for the Oil & Gas Industry

Process Engineering for non-process Engineering Professionals

Advanced Process Risk Assessment and Risk Management

International Oil Supply, Transportation, Refining and Trade

Process Plant Start-up and Commissioning

Understanding Success Factors in the Oil & Gas Industry

The 10-day Oil & Gas MBA

Oil & Gas Project Management

Process Plant Start-up, Commissioning and Troubleshooting

Process Safety Management & Compliance

Process Troubleshooting and Problem Solving

Oil & Gas Commercial Contracts and Negotiation Skills

Oil Movement, Storage and Troubleshooting

Hydrocarbon Production Operations

Oil & Gas Operational Safety

Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry

The Oil & Gas Business Tour and Workshop

Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry

The Art of Oil & Gas Procurement

Process Safety and Risk Management of Highly Hazardous and Explosive Chemicals


We offer training courses in the following places

(Egypt: Cairo / Alexandria / Sharm El Sheikh - Emirates: Dubai / Abu Dhabi - Riyadh / Dammam / Jeddah / alKhobar - QATAR: Doha - OMAN: Muscat - Kuwait - Bahrain - Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco - Tunisia, Algeria - Turkey: Istanbul - Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia - Jakarta India - Bali, Singapore, China - Japan London, Paris - United States Norway - Austria, Belgium - Germany, Italy, Switzerland - Spain Netherlands )


If you would like any further information, please don't hesitate to contact me

Khawla Akkam
Mob: 00201025054242
E-Mail: khawla@itcegy.com

With respect

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oil gas operational

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