عرض مشاركة واحدة
03-20-2018, 04:53 PM
اسلام الصعيدى
يسعدنا ويشرفنا نحن المركز الدولى للتدريب والاستشارات – ITCC تقديم الخدمات التدريبية الى سيادتكم عن طريق تنفيذ
#دورات_تدريبية #ورش_عمل #ندوات #مؤتمرات
#دورات_تدريبية فى #هندسة_النفط_الغاز / #دورات_تدريبية فى #هندسة_البترول_الانتاج_التكرير / دورات تدريبية / engineering courses
Mine Planning Strategy
Blast Design and Assessment for surface Mines
Conventional Methods of Resource
Reserve Estimation"
Energy conservation through
mine mill integration
Geotechnical inputs to block cave Mining
Introduction to block caving
Mobile Equipment life cycle Costing
Mobile fleet risk management
Optimizing overburden placement
in surface mining of coal
Uptime for the Down Times strategies
for Excellence in Maintenance Management
Mineral Source Estimation
"Design and application of
sublevel stoping methods"
" Haul Road Design and
operational Bench Marking"
Heap Leach design
Heap Leach Pads
" Advanced Crushing and
Grinding Techniques"
" Empirical Design Methods for
Underground Mines"
"Environmental Management of
cyanide in Mining"
Groundwater Modeling For Mining
Geochemical Applications of Portable XRF
Open Pit Slope Design
Mine Planning Strategy
Blast Design and Assessment for surface Mines
" Conventional Methods of Resource
Reserve Estimation"
" Energy conservation through
mine mill integration"
Geotechnical inputs to block cave Mining
Introduction to block caving
Mobile Equipment life cycle Costing
Mobile fleet risk management
" Optimizing overburden placement
in surface mining of coal"
" Uptime for the Down Times strategies
for Excellence in Maintenance Management"
Mineral Source Estimation
"Design and application of
sublevel stoping methods"
" Haul Road Design and
operational Bench Marking"
Heap Leach design
Heap Leach Pads
" Advanced Crushing and
Grinding Techniques"
" Empirical Design Methods for
Underground Mines"
"Environmental Management of
cyanide in Mining"
Groundwater Modeling For Mining
Geochemical Applications of Portable XRF
Open Pit Slope Design
Mine Planning Strategy
Blast Design and Assessment for surface Mines
" Conventional Methods of Resource
/ Reserve Estimation"
" Energy conservation through
mine mill integration"
Geotechnical inputs to block cave Mining
Introduction to block caving
Mobile Equipment life cycle Costing
Mobile fleet risk management
أماكن الانعقاد
( #الامارات #تركيا #ماليزيا #المغرب #فرنسا #الولايات_المتحدة #لندن #الاردن #قطر #السعودية #النمسا #مصر #السودان #البحريين #سلطنة_عمان #اندونيسيا #جاكرتا )
للتسجيل او لطلب العرض الفنى والمالى يرجى الاتصال او ارسال بريد الاكترونى
Islam Elsaidy
#دورات_تدريبية فى #هندسة_النفط_الغاز / #دورات_تدريبية فى #هندسة_البترول_الامناج_التكرير / دورات تدريبية / engineering courses
اسلام الصعيدى
مشاهدة ملفه الشخصي
إرسال رسالة خاصة إلى اسلام الصعيدى
البحث عن كل مشاركات اسلام الصعيدى