عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-09-2016, 07:08 PM
نانسي احمد

افتراضي Managing Conflict: Power through Influence

Is pleased
Falcon Training and Development

Managing Conflict: Power through Influence
To announce the course
During the period 17 - - - 21 January 2016 to be held in Doha
During the period 14 - - - 18 August 2016 to be held in Sharm El-Shaikh
During the period 18 - - - 22 September 2016 to be held in Dubai
As part of the programs Interpersonal Skills and Self Development

For further inquiries and request content, please communicate with
Ms : Nancy Ahmed
Egypt Mob: 002 012 75141733
UAE Mob 00971 503028531
Tel: 0097167499496
Fax: 0097167499480
E-MAIL: nancy@falcon-uae.net
Website: www.falconuae.net

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