أكاديمية التدريب الاحترافي

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محمد سعيد متولى 02-01-2017 01:29 PM

Advanced agricultural research methodology
ITCCيتشرف المركز الدولى للتدريب والاستشارات
لتنفيذ دورات تدريبية خلال عام 2017
فى كلا من الامارات – مصر - تركيا – ماليزيا – قطر – السعودية – الولايات المتحدة – المملكة المتحدة – المغرب – تونس – الاردن- فرنسا – لبنان
Advanced agricultural research methodology

Course Outline

Section 1.

Scientific writing and publications:
Includes guide to manuscript preparation the do s and don’t s.

Section 2.

Scientific Research:

Includes research designs .Statistical analyses of parametric and non-parametric research data.

ïƒک The contribution of statistics to experimentation

ïƒک Initial steps in the planning of experiments

ïƒک Methods for increasing the accuracy of experiments

ïƒک Statistical analysis of the results

ïƒک Completely Randomized, Randomized block, and Latin square designs

ïƒک Factorial experiments

Section 3.

Advanced topics in Plant Pathology:

Includes pathogenesis, plant infections and defense mechanisms, Disease epidemiology.

Part I: Recognition and Evaluation of Plant Diseases

ïƒک Landmarks in plant pathology
ïƒک Some major plant diseases

ïƒک Surveys and sampling

ïƒک Disease and yield loss assessment

ïƒک Postharvest diseases

ïƒک Collection and dispatch of plant material

Part 2: Causes of plant disease

ïƒک Fungi as plant pathogens

ïƒک Bacteria and plant disease

ïƒک Virus diseases

ïƒک Phytoplasma plant pathogens

ïƒک Plant parasitic Nematodes

ïƒک Effect of climate change

Part 3: Disease diagnosis and investigation

ïƒک Detection and isolation of fungal and bacterial pathogens

ïƒک Microscopy

ïƒک Immunological techniques

ïƒک Biochemical and molecular techniques

ïƒک Inoculation

ïƒک Epidemic modeling and disease forecasting

ïƒک Design of experiments

Part 4: Disease management

ïƒک Plant health and quarantine

ïƒک Regional and country lists of plant diseases

ïƒک Cultural control

ïƒک Disease resistance

ïƒک The application of chemicals for plant disease control

ïƒک Biological control of fungal plant pathogens

Part 5: General techniques and information

ïƒک Safety in the laboratory

ïƒک Culturing, preservation and maintenance of fungi

ïƒک Mycological media and method

Section 4.

Integrated Pest Management:

Includes principles and control methods. Group simulation exercise on pest control.

ïƒک Principles of ecologically based pest management

ïƒک Integrated pest management for sustainable agriculture

ïƒک Pest monitoring and forecasting

ïƒک Augmentation and conservation of natural enemies

ïƒک Biotechnological and molecular approaches in the management of pest and diseases of crop plants

ïƒک Botanicals in pest management

ïƒک Biopesticides in ecologically based integrated pest management

ïƒک Microbial control of crop pests using entomopathogenic fungi

ïƒک Microbial control of crop pests using insect viruses

ïƒک Biological control of weeds with plant pathogens

ïƒک Role of integrated pest management in food and nutritional security

ïƒک From integrated pest management to ecosystem management

الاستاذ/ محمد سعيد

الساعة الآن 10:45 AM

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