أكاديمية التدريب الاحترافي

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-   -   Oil & Gas Storage, Shipping and Utilization (https://www.aptksa.org/vb/showthread.php?t=24289)

نرمين بديع 09-19-2016 12:16 PM

Oil & Gas Storage, Shipping and Utilization
Q Space training and development

We like to join us

And to register in the following course

For more information contact us

Training coordinator :: Nermeen Badya


WhatsApp :: 00201283255659
And there are also another courses of the Oil and Gas :
1. Oil & Gas Storage, Shipping and Utilization

2. Oil and Gas industry Waste Disposal

3. Oil Refinery LP Modelling and Economics

4. Oil Refinery Product Treatment

5. OJT in Crude Oil & Product Storage and Transportation Unit

6. OJT in Refinery Utilities Unit


8. OJT on catalytic reforming technology Training Outlines

9. Overview of Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals

10. Petroleum Crude and Products Storage Systems

11. petroleum oil and gases wastes and disposal

12. Petroleum Products & Refining Processes for Operation

13. petroleum refinery for technical persons

14. petroleum refinery wastes and disposal

15. Piping and Pipelines network design

16. Planned Shutdown and Critical Activities, Isolation, Startup & Commissioning

17. Positive displacement pump technology

18. Pressure Relief Systems and Flare systems, Operation, Design, Startup, Troubleshooting and Shutdown

19. Process Calculations & Simulation by HYSIS

20. Process calculations basic

it will hold in many countries
Turkey - Malaysia - Cairo - Dubai - Kuwait - Jordan - Qatar – London - Saudi Arabia
-Cairo – Alexandria – Morocco - Sharm El-Shaikh -– Indonesia – Vienna – Paris

And there are also courses in these fields:
Management and personal development / human resources / public relations and media / marketing, and sales courses / purchases and warehouses and logistics / financial and accounting courses / legal courses / quality courses and production / safety and occupational health courses / information and IT courses / secretarial

الساعة الآن 01:28 PM

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