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Training Gulf / 2019 Project Management courses

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00201026602669 – 00966547946931 - 00971588072412

__________________________________________________ _______________
ÏæÑÉ ÇÏÇÑÉ ÊÎØíØ æÌÏæáÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáÇÍÊÑÇÝíÉ | Planning management and scheduling professional projects
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ Ýí ÇáãÌÇá ÇáÅäÔÇÆí | Projects Management in the Construction Field
ÏæÑÉ ÇÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÈÇÓÊÎÏÇã ÊßäæáæÌíÇ ÇáãÚáæãÇÊ | Project management using Information Technology
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÇÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÊÞÏãÜÜÜÜÉ ááãÔÜÜÜÇÑíÜÚ æÚÞÜÜæÏåÇ | Advanced management of projects and its contracts
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ÏæÑÉ ÇáÅÈÏÇÚ æÇáÊãíÒ Ýì ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáÇÍÊÑÇÝíÉ (ÇáÊÌÑÈÉ ÇáÇæÑÈíÉ) | Creativity and excellence in Professional Project Management (European experience)
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÅÊÌÇåÜÇÊ ÇáÍÜÏíËÜÉ Ýí ÅÏÇÑÉ ãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáÈäÇÁ | Recent trends for construction projects management
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáÚãáíÉ ááãÔÇÑíÚ | practical management of projects
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÃÓÇáíÈ ÇáÍÏíËÜÉ áÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÑæÚÇÊ | Modern methods for project management
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÃÓÇáíÈ ÇáÝÚÇáÉ áÇÏÇÑÉ ÇáãæÇÞÚ æÊÎØíØ æÌÏæáÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ | Effective methods of site management, planning and scheduling projects
ÇáÈÑäÇãÌ ÇáÊÏÑíÈí ÇáãÊßÇãá Íæá ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáÚÞæÏ æÇáãÔÑæÚÇÊ | Integrated training program about contract and project management
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÊÎÕÕ Ýí ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ æÇáÊÎØíØ æÇáÌÏæáÉ æÇáÊÍßã | Specialization in project management, planning, scheduling and control
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÊÎØíØ æÌÏæáÉ æÖÈØ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÈÇÓÊÎÏÇã ÇáÈÑíãÇÝíÑÇ PRIMAVIRA | Planning, scheduling and controlling projects using PRIMAVIRA
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÊÚÑíÝ ÇáÏÞíÞ Ýí ÅÏÇÑÉ æÊØæíÑ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáåäÏÓíÉ æÞíÇÓ ÇáÌÏæì ÇáÅÞÊÕÇÏíÉ | The exact definition of engineering project management and development and economic feasibility measurement
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÊÞäíÇÊ ÇááÇÒãÉ Ýí ÇáÊÍßã æ ÖÈØ æãÑÇÞÈÉ ÇáÌæÏÉ áãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáØÑÞ | Necessary Techniques for quality control of road projects
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÊãíÒ æÇáÅÈÏÇÚ Ýì ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÑæÚÇÊ ÇáåäÏÓíÉ | Excellence and creativity in engineering project management
ÏæÑÉ ÇáãÚÇííÑ ÇáÏæáíÉ æÇáÞíÇÏÉ ÇáÐßíÉ Ýí ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÚÇåÏ ÇáÝäíÉ æÇáåäÏÓíÉ | International standards and smart leadership in managing technical and engineering institutes
ÏæÑÉ ÇáããÇÑÓÇÊ ÇáãÊÞÏãÉ Ýí ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ æÇáãÎÇØÑ æÇáÊÍßã Ýí ÇáÊßÇáíÝ æÏÑÇÓÇÊ ÇáÌÏæì | Advanced practices in project and risk management, cost control and feasibility studies
ÏæÑÉ ÇáãåÇÑÇÊ ÇáÇÏÇÑíÉ æÇáÞíÇÏíÉ ááãåäÏÓíä æÇáÝäííä | The managerial and leadership skills of engineers and technicians
ÏæÑÉ ÇáåäÏÓÉ ÇáÅÏÇÑíÉ ÈãÝåæã ÈØÇÞÉ ÇáÃÏÇÁ ÇáãÊæÇÒä B.S.C æãäåÌíÉ 6SIGMA | Administrative engineering with Balanced Scorecard Concept (B.S.C) and 6 sigma methodology
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáÃÚãÇá ÇáÊÏÑíÈíÉ ááãÊÎÕÕíä Ýí ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÑæÚÇÊ | Training Business administration for specialists in project management
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáÚÞæÏ æÇáÊäÝíÐ æÇáÑÞÇÈÉ Úáì ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ | Contract management, implementation and control of projects
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÎÇØÑ Ýí ÈíÆÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ | Risk management in the projects environment
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáÅÍÊÑÇÝíå | Professional project management
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáÝäíÉ (ãÇÌÓÊíÑ Ýí ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáÃÚãÇá ãÔÑæÚ ãÍÊÑÝ) | Project Management Professional (The Project Professional MBA)
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáåäÏÓíÉ ÇáÍÏíËÉ | Modern Engineering Project Management
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ãÚ ÈÑäÇãÌ MS Project 2016 | Managing Projects with MS Project 2016
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ æÇáÇãÊËÇá (ÇáÊÎØíØ æÇáÌÏæáÉ æÇáÊÍßã) | Project Management and Compliance (Planning, Scheduling and Control)
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ æÇáÅÔÑÇÝ Úáì ÇáÇÓÊÔÇÑííä æÇáãÞÇæáíä | Project management and supervision of Consultants and Contractors
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÑæÚÇÊ ÇáãÊÞÏãÉ | Advanced Project Management
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÞÇæá ÇáÝÚÇáÉ Ýí ãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáÕíÇäÉ æÇáÊÞäíÉ | Effective Contractor Management in Maintenance & Technical projects
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÊäÝíÐ ÇáãÔÑæÚÇÊ ÇáÅäÔÇÆíÉ (ãÞÏãÉ (PMP) | Construction Project Implementation Management (PMP Introduction)
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ãÔÑæÚ ÇáäÝØ æÇáÛÇÒ | Oil & Gas Project Management
ÏæÑÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ãÔÑæÚÇÊ ÊßäæáæÌíÇ ÇáãÚáæãÇÊ | Information Technology project management
ÏæÑÉ ÃÓÇÓíÇÊ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÑæÚÇÊ | Basics of project management
ÏæÑÉ ÃÓÜÓ ãÑÇÌÚÜÉ æÇÚÊãÜÇÏ ÇáãÎØØÜÇÊ ÇáåäÏÓíÜÉ | Engineering Plan Review and Approval Process
ÏæÑÉ ÈÑãÌÉ æãÊÇÈÚÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÈÇÓÊÎÏÇã MS Project | programming and following-up Projects using MS Project
ÏæÑÉ ÊÍáíá ÇáÃÚãÇá æÇáÌÏæì ÇáÇÓÊËãÇÑíÉ Ýí ÈíÆÉ ÇáãÔÑæÚÇÊ | Business analysis and investment feasibility in Projects Environment
ÏæÑÉ ÊÎØíØ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÑæÚÇÊ | Project management planning
ÏæÑÉ ÊÜÎØíØ æÊÕãíÜÜã æãÊÇÈÚÜÜÉ ÇáãÔÑæÚÜÇÊ ÇáÝäíÜÉ æÇáåäÏÓíÜÉ | Plan, design and follow-up the technical and the engineering projects
ÏæÑÉ ÊÎØíØ æÌÏæáÉ æÊäÝíÐ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáÝäíÉ æ ÇáåäÏÓíÉ ÈÇÓÊÎÏÇã MS Project | Planning, scheduling and implementation of technical and engineering projects using MS Project
ÏæÑÉ ÊÞííã ÇáãÎÇØÑ æÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÎÇØÑ áãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáäÝØ æÇáÛÇÒ | Risk Assessment & Risk Management for Oil & Gas Projects
ÏæÑÉ ÊäãíÉ ÇáßÝÇÁÇÊ ÇáÅÔÑÇÝíÉ ááÊãíÒ | Supervisory competence development for excellence
ÏæÑÉ ÌÏæáÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ æãåÇÑÇÊ ÇáÊÎØíØ æÇáÊßáÝÉ | Project scheduling, planning skills and cost
ÏæÑÉ ÏÑÇÓÉ æÊÍáíá ÇáÚØÇÁÇÊ ÇáåäÏÓíÉ | Study and analyze the engineering bids
ÏæÑÉ ÚÞæÏ ÇáÅäÔÇÁÇÊ FIDIC | Construction Contracts FIDIC
ÏæÑÉ ÞíÇÏÉ ÇáãÔÑæÚÇÊ æÊäãíÉ ÇáãåÇÑÇÊ ÇááÇÒãÉ áÊÓæíÉ ÇáÕÑÇÚÇÊ | Lead projects and develop the required skills to resolve conflicts
ÏæÑÉ ãÏÎá ÓíÌãÇ 6 áÊÍÞíÞ ÌæÏÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ | Six Sigma to achieve the quality of project management
ÏæÑÉ ãåÇÑÇÊ ÇÚÏÇÏ æ ÕÜíÇÛÜÜÜÜÉ æßÊÇÈÜÜÜÉ ÇáÊÞÜÇÑíÜÜÜÜÑ ÇáÝäíÜÜÜÜÜÉ æÇáåäÏÓíÜÜÜÜÜÜÉ | Skills to Prepare, draft and write the technical and the engineering reports
ÏæÑÉ ãåÇÑÇÊ ÇáÊãíÒ æÇáÇÈÊßÇÑ æÇáÇÈÏÇÚ Ýí ÇÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáåäÏÓíÉ | Skills of excellence, innovation and creativity in the management of engineering projects
ÏæÑÉ ãåÇÑÇÊ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÑæÚÇÊ ÇáåäÏÓíÉ | Skills of engineering projects management
ÏæÑÉ ãåÇÑÇÊ ÊÞÏíÑ ÇáÊßáÝÉ ÇáãÔÑæÚ | Project Cost Estimating Skills
ÏæÑÉ åäÏÓÉ ÇáÅÈÏÇÚ æÃÓÊÑÇÊíÌíÇÊ ÇáÇÚãÇá ÇáÇÈÊßÇÑíÉ | Creativity Engineering and innovative business strategies
ÏæÑÉ åäÏÓÉ ÇáãæÇÏ æÇáÊÂßá áãÔÑÝì ÇáÕíÇäÉ æÇáãÔÇÑíÚ | Materials engineering and corrosion for maintenance supervisors and projects
ÏæÑÉ ÇÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÈÇÓÊÎÏÇã ÊßäæáæÌíÇ ÇáãÚáæãÇÊ | Project management using Information Technology
ÏæÑÉ ÇáÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáÚãáíÉ ááãÔÇÑíÚ | practical management of projects
__________________________________________________ _______________
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__________________________________________________ _______________
00201026602669 – 00966547946931 - 00971588072412

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