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عمرو راضى 08-28-2018 12:36 PM

كورس إدارة الصيانة وفق المواصفات العالمية iso 9000 - دورات البرامج الهندسية والصيانة

سيتم تزويدكم بالمحتوى العلمى للدورة فى حال طلبها من قبلكم

التسجيل المبدئى للدورة

تخفيضات كبيرة جدا بالرسوم للحجز المبكر والمجموعات والجهات والهيئات الحكومية

للإستفسار عن (المحتوى العلمى - الرسوم - مواعيد الإنعقاد - العروض والتخفيضات ) :

مدير التسويق : عمرو راضى

جوال - واتس أب : 01149578299 002

بريد إلكترونى : amr@itregy.com

الموقع التسويقى : ندوات الخليج

الموقع الرسمى : منتجع التدريب الدولى ITR

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مدة ومواقيت الإنعقاد :

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إسلوب إعداد البرنامج التدريبى :

المحاضرات: ينفذ الدورات مجموعة من الخبراء المتخصصون في مجالات التدريب المختلفة
المادة العلمية: وهي مكتوبة على شرائح تعليمية باستخدام برنامج Power Point كوسائل مساعدة
الحالات والتطبيقات العملية
الحوارات والنقاشات الموجهة
تمثيل ولعب الادوار
ورش العمل ومشاركة المتدربين
نموذج استطلاع الراي
قاعات التدريب بفنادق 5 نجوم
تناول الوجبات الخفيفة والمشروبات اثناء البرنامج

يوفر منتجع التدريب الدولي مزايا كثيرة ضمن برنامج الدورات التدريبية تتضمن :
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* الدورات التدريبية تنفذ باللغتين : العربية أو الإنجليزية حسب تفضيلكم
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* خصومات في العديد من الفنادق و تسهيلات في السكن
* وغيرها من المزايا .........

* الشهادات :
يحصل المتدرب على شهادة معتمده دوليا من منتجع التدريب الدولي وشهادة من جامعة كامبردج البريطانية


يتشرف منتجع التدريب الدولي ITR بتقديم دورات فى مجال "البرامج الهندسية والصيانة"
التى سوف تعقد خلال العام 2018 :

إدارة الجودة فى المشاريع
Quality management in projects

قياس وتحسين كفاءة وفعالية نظم الصيانة والتشغيل
Measure and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance and operating systems

تخطيط وإدارة عمليات الصيانة الشاملة بإستخدام الحاسب الألى
Planning and management of the overall computer using automated maintenance operations

إدارة الموارد للمشاريع الهندسية
Resource management for engineering projects

إدارة الصيانة وفقاً للمعايير العالمية
Maintenance management in accordance with international standards

تخطيط وجدولة أعمال الصيانة ومشترياتها
Planning and scheduling maintenance work and purchases

إدارة نظم جودة الصيانة
Quality Maintenance Management Systems

تكنولوجيا تقليل الفاقد فى الصيانة وعمليات التشغيل
Reducing losses in the maintenance and operations technology

تكنولوجيا هندسة التشغيل والصيانة المتقدمة
Operating and Maintenance Engineering Advanced Technology

إعداد المواصفات والتقارير الفنية إدارة عقود الصيانة
Preparation of specifications and technical reports Maintenance Contract Management

كفاءة التشغيل والصيانة للمنشآت وفقاً للمعايير العالمية
Operation and maintenance efficiency of the facilities in accordance with international standards

كفاءة التشغيل والفحص والإختبار لمشرفى الصيانة والتشغيل
Operating efficiency, inspection and test administrators operating and maintenance

كفاءة تقييم ومراجعة عمليات إدارة الصيانة
Efficiency assessment and a review of maintenance operations management

افضل الاستراتيجيات في تخطيط الصيانه لنتائج تحاليل الاعتمادية ومواجهة تحديات التنفيذ
The best strategies in maintenance planning for the results of analyzes of reliability and meet the challenges of implementation

إدارة المواد للمشاريع الهندسية
Materials management for engineering projects

إدارة نظم جودة الصيانة - Quality Maintenance- Zero Defects
Quality Management Systems Maintenance - Quality Maintenance- Zero Defects

دبلومة تكنولوجيا هندسة التشغيل والصيانة المتقدمة - 10 ايام
Diploma operating engineering technology and advanced maintenance - 10 days

كفاءة التخطيط وتحليل بيانات الصيانة والتشغيل ووضع معايير الأداء (MDA)
The efficiency of the planning and analysis of maintenance, operation and development of performance standards data (MDA)

هندسة الصيانة الوقائية التنبؤية
Preventive Maintenance Engineering Predictive

ورشة عمل الهندسة القيمية
Workshop Value Engineering

إدارة الصيانة وفق المواصفات العالمية ISO 9000
Maintenance management according to international standards ISO 9000

للإستفسار عن (المحتوى العلمى - الرسوم - مواعيد الإنعقاد - العروض والتخفيضات ) :

Marketing Manager : Amr Rady

Mob & Whatsapp : 002 01149578299

Email : : amr@itregy.com

Marketing Website : Gulf Seminars

Main Website : International Training Resort -ITR

من دوراتنا
تخطيط وإدارة عمليات الصيانة الشاملة بإستخدام الحاسب الألى
هندسة الصيانة الوقائية التنبؤية
تخطيط وجدولة أعمال الصيانة ومشترياتها
إعداد المواصفات والتقارير الفنية إدارة عقود الصيانة
كفاءة التخطيط وتحليل بيانات الصيانة والتشغيل ووضع معايير الأداء (MDA)
إدارة المواد للمشاريع الهندسية
إدارة نظم جودة الصيانة - Quality Maintenance- Zero Defects
تكنولوجيا تقليل الفاقد فى الصيانة وعمليات التشغيل
قياس وتحسين كفاءة وفعالية نظم الصيانة والتشغيل
تخطيط وإدارة عمليات الصيانة الشاملة بإستخدام الحاسب الألى

نسعى لتقديم الأفضل فى مجال التدريب ونرجو أن نكون عند حسن ظنكم

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FrankJScott 10-13-2021 06:41 PM

ISO Standardization Is An Important Element To The Growth Of Your Business
Part 2-11 - Electrical Equipment For Medical Use: Special Requirements For Basic Safety And Performance Essential To Gamma Beam Therapy Equipment En 60601-2-11:2015
In some instances, medical equipment could be used as a treatment option however, it can also be a risk. Equipment is required in these instances to decrease the likelihood of any negative effects. EN 60601-2-11.2015 is one of the documents that outlines such a situation. This document addresses essential requirements for safety and performance for gamma beam treatment equipment, which includes multi-source stereotactic radiation therapy equipment. This particular standard, part of the 60601 series, spells out the standards that manufacturers must adhere to when creating and designing gamma radiation therapy equipment. To ensure that there are no hazardous conditions, the standard specifies tolerance levels for interlocks to be used to prevent the interruption or end of radiation. Each requirement specifies the type tests that are done by the manufacturer and site tests. If your company has Gamma therapy equipment available, you can get familiar with our standards by going to the Item website. Check out the top 512644b3f5954baaaf53dca55dca3305 samples 62088 review.

Information Technology -- Security Techniques - Code Of Conduct For Security Of Information Controls Based Iso/Iec 27002 In Cloud Services Iso/Iec 27017:2015
Information security issues are becoming more and more relevant in the modern world. ISO/IEC 27017, 2015 is an international standard which regulates this subject.ISO/IEC 270717 - 2015 offers guidelines for information security control that are applicable to the supply of and use of cloud services. This Recommendation - International Standard offers guidelines and controls for cloud service providers as well as cloud service customers.Today, there are many ways to send information quickly. We recommend that you review all the technical parameters and click on the link to learn more. Check out the most popular sist catalog standards sist-en-50156-1-2015 site.

Characterization And Determination Of Bulk Materials And The Content Of Crystalline Silica. Part 1. General Information And Selections Of Testing Methods EN 17289-1:2020
Regulators are faced with significant difficulties because of the variability in the materials used in production. International standards are currently being created to facilitate the entry of firms and organisations into new markets.This document provides information on the specifications and testing methods that can be employed to measure the dimensions of the fine portion of crystal silica (SWFFCS), in bulk materials.This document provides guidelines on the preparation and determination using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and X-ray Pulsed Diffractometry.EN 1789-2 explains how to calculate the size-weighted portion of fine particles using the size distribution that is measured. It assumes the particle size distribution for crystal quartz particles is the exact same as that of other particles found in the bulk material. EN 1789-3 describes a procedure that makes use of liquid sedimentation to determine the size-weighted fines in crystalline silica. Both methods have limitations and assumptions that are detailed in EN 1789-2 and EN 17289-3. If the method is validated and studied and analyzed, the EN 17289-3 method may be used to calculate other constituents.This document is applicable for bulk silica-containing crystalline materials that have been thoroughly studied and verified for the assessment of the size-weighted fine fraction and crystalline silica.Your organization's documentation technology will be greatly aided if your activity comes in contact with the information contained in this section. You can find more information on our website. Check out the recommended iec catalog standards iec-60695-11-5-2016 info.

Security Of Machine Tools - Pneumatic Presses – Part 4. (Iso 160922-4.2019). EN ISO 16092-4:2020
Safety is always an essential factor in the creation of a regulatory framework that applies to any production or company. This is the reason why there are many international standards that touch on this topic. One of the most important is EN ISO 160922-4: 2020.This document, as well as ISO 16092-1, defines the requirements for safety in the field for those who are involved in the development, production and distribution of pneumatic presses that are specifically designed to work with either of cold metal, or at least a part of cold metal.This document deals with the most significant risks that are relevant to pneumatic presses, if they are used in the manner intended and under conditions of misuse that can be reasonably anticipated by the maker (see Clause 4.). All phases of the machine's life-span as described in ISO 12100, 2010, 5.4 are taken into consideration.You can inquire about the technical specifications, and get in touch with us if you are looking to purchase the document. Have a look at the top rated cen catalog standards en-13763-21-2003 site.

Health Informatics - Device Interoperability Part 10201 Point-Of Care Device Communication - Domain Information Model (Iso/Ieee 11073/10201:2020 EN ISO/IEEE 11073-10201:2020
Documents related the use of medical devices are comparable to the other standards. There are many components which can be used in conjunction with each other and even discuss completely different technology. EN ISO11073/10201 IEEE 2020 is an illustration.This project aims to create an object-oriented general model that could be used to organize information and determine the types of services utilized for point-of-care (POC) medical devices communications. The scope of the project is focused mainly on medical equipment for acute care and the communication patient vital sign information.Information technology is being used more and more to boost business efficiency and productivity. We suggest that you consider buying documents that standardize their use internationally. See the top rated 77-150-99 catalog ics site.


FrankJScott 11-30-2021 10:15 AM

New Intralogistics Robots Forum
What are the main benefits of Autonomous Mobile Robot?

1. Increased Flexibility
Autonomous Mobile Robots are adaptable and flexible because they depend on their cameras and sensors that are onboard for operation. Autonomous Mobile Robots don't have to follow predetermined paths. They can instead create their own efficient routes within a facility. This allows them to avoid obstacles. Autonomous Mobile Robots are able to be moved to other tasks, unlike other automation technology which require more effort and time. Check out this orderpick robot info for more.

2. Increased safety
Autonomous Mobile Robots are packed to the gills with sensors and cameras. The cameras help the Autonomous Mobile Robots interpret and understand their surroundings. Autonomous Mobile Robots can then move effectively in a space without colliding with people, product, or infrastructure. Human operators who operate machines, such as forklifts, or other machines lack safety features and depend more on human input. Autonomous Mobile Robots eliminate the risk of human operators being exhausted or distracted. But, this isn't a problem when using Autonomous Mobile Robots. Autonomous Mobile Robots can be used to perform repeatable tasks which reduces the possibility of human error and greatly improves security.

3. Quick Implementation
Autonomous Mobile Robots can realistically be deployed within an operation in four to six weeks, according to the requirements of an operation. This is particularly true when the device will need to communicate with warehouse execution and picking software. Even at the higher end, this is a short timeframe, particularly when you look at other options. For comparison, a goods-to-person (G2P) system could take up to a year to fully implement.

4. Scalability
Autonomous Mobile Robots are simple to operate in a facility. They are able to follow modular deployment strategies, which allows you to begin with just small amounts of units, and increase the capacity of your operation as it grow or your needs evolve. This means that you don't have to spend an enormous amount of money in the beginning. Instead of purchasing massive quantities of Autonomous Mobile Robots it is possible to purchase just a few units and later increase the number of units you have. This modular deployment will give you capital to use for other projects, as well as allowing you to evaluate the impact Autonomous Mobile Robots affected your business and determine the next actions.

5. It's easy to get between facilities
Certain operations might not be prepared to explore automated options when they are aware that the move to the new facility is in the near future. This thinking makes perfect sense: Why implement a new system when it's going to need to be dismantled within the next two years after the new facility is constructed? Autonomous Mobile Robots can help bridge the gap between these two scenarios. Because Autonomous Mobile Robots are relatively easy to deploy and can be moved between facilities with relative ease, enabling automation even in the short-term. This is a benefit to businesses planning to establish temporary activities during the holidays.

FrankJScott 12-21-2021 12:06 PM

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FrankJScott 12-23-2021 01:33 AM

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FrankJScott 01-24-2022 09:57 PM

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